Label & SDS Summary
Active Ingredient: Chlorothalonil
Approved Province(s):
Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Saskatchewan
Approved Uses:
Almond (flowering), Ash, Azalea, Buckeye, horsechestnut, Carnations, Conifers, Crabapples, Daisy, Dogwood, Douglas fir, Dracaena, Euonymus, Fire-thorn, Flowering almond, Geranium, Gladiolus, Hawthorn, Holly, Hollyhock, Hydrangea (foliage only), Iris, Leatherleaf fern, Lily, Mountain laurel, Oak (red group only), Oregon grape, Ornamental turf grass, Oyster plant, Pachysandra, Parlor palm, Petunia, Philodendron, Photinia, Pieris, Pine, Planetree, Poplar, Prayer plant, Privet, Quince (flowering), Rhododendron, Rose, Sand cherry, Spruce, Statice, Sycamore, Syngonium, Turf, Viburnum, Zinnia
Product Benefits
- Daconil delivers extended protection, even after heavy rain or irrigation.
- Valuable Tank-Mix Partner
Mode of Action
Daconil 2787 is a contact fungicide that targets multiple sites in the fungal pathogen.
Mode of Action: Multi-site (interferes with metabolic functions)
Class of Chemistry
Daconil 2787 Flowable is a liquid formulation containing Chlorothalonil at 500 grams per Litre. Daconil 2787 Flowable has a built-in surfactant, adjuvant and compatibility system called WeatherStik. The WeatherStik technology provides extended protection, even after heavy rains or irrigation.
FRAC Group: M5
Turf Safety:
Daconil 2787 controls several major fungal diseases of fine turf such as golf greens, tees and fairways, as well as ornamental turf and sod.
For Control Of:
Daconil 2787 controls of a broad spectrum of turf diseases, including:
- Pink and Grey Snow Mould
- Dollar Spot
- Helminthosporium leafspot and melting out
- Brown Patch
- Anthracnose
See the label for diseases controlled in ornamentals.
Case Size: 2 x 10 L jugs
Case Coverage: .83 - 4.16 ha (2 - 10.3 acres)
Application Information
Use Rates:
For dollar spot apply 48 - 95 mL/100m2 (fairways) and 95 - 190 mL/100m2 (greens, tees and ornamental turfgrass)
For helminthosporium and brown patch apply 95 - 190 mL/100m2(greens, tees, fairways and ornamental turgrass)
For anthracnose apply 95 - 190 mL/100m2 (greens, tees and ornamental turfgrass)
For Pink and Gray snow mould apply 240 mL/100m2
Water Volume:
Apply Daconil 2787 in an adequate amount of water to provide complete coverage. This amount may vary from 8 to 40 liters per 100 m2.
Application Information:
Apply Daconil 2787 at 190 mL as a tank mix with 26 mL of Banner MAXX Fungicide per 100 sq. metres and an interval of 21-28 days to control Dollar Spot.
Rainfastness: As soon as spray is dry on the leaf.
Application Method: Ground
Mixing Order:
Apply DACONIL 2787 Flowable Fungicide as a spray, using sufficient water to obtain adequate
coverage of plant surfaces.
Note: Before preparing the spray mix, slowly invert the DACONIL 2787 Flowable Fungicide
container several times to assure uniform mixture.
Add the required amount of DACONIL 2787 Flowable Fungicide to the spray tank while filling with
water. Keep agitator running when filling spray tank and during spray operations.
Use Restrictions:
- The use of Daconil 2787 is limited to two in season applications per playing surface (Golf turf, greens, tees, fairways and ornamental turfgrass) plus one application for snow mould.
- Do not mow or waterafter treatment until spray deposit on turfgrass is thoroughly dry.
- Do not apply this product through any type of irrigation system.
- Prevent spray drift on to surrounding areas.
- Do not allow the public to enter into treated golf courses following late fall application for snow mould.