Product Overview
Application on greens for preventative control of Pythium blight, root-infecting Pythium spp. and anthracnose: both basal rot and foliar blight.
Key Features
Enhanced Stressgard Formulation Technology for proven plant health effects:
- Optimized formulation reduces oxidative stress
- Recovery from mechanical damage (i.e. aeration, scalping)
- Healthier roots, leading to better water and nutrient utilization
- Induced systemic resistance
• Supports earlier spring green-up, turf fill-in, improved colour and density.
• Protects the plant from the adverse effects of UV radiation.
• Wider application window – flexible rate structure allows for applications on 7-21 day intervals.
• No documented disease resistance.
• Upwards and downwards systemic mobility.
• Documented turf safety with applications in high temperatures.
4 x 2.5kg
Application Rates
Alone / Signature XTRA Stressgard should be used preventively for the control of Pythium spp. and anthracnose diseases on a 7-14 day interval. Apply at higher water volumes or irrigate in with 2.5 mm of water for root-infecting Pythium spp. without affecting the benefits to turf quality typically gained from Stressgard Formulation Technology.
In a tank-mix / Signature XTRA Stressgard tank-mixes should be applied preventively for disease and stress management.
COMPATIBILITY WITH OTHER FUNGICIDES: Do not mix Signature XTRA Stressgard with Spectro 90 WDG or copper-containing fungicides. Please consult the Signature XTRA Stressgard compatibility chart for further instruction on tank-mixing Signature XTRA Stressgard with other fungicides. In most fungicide combinations, Signature XTRA Stressgard should be incorporated in the spray-tank after all the other fungicides have been homogenized. For best results, add Signature XTRA Stressgard slowly in the spray tank for optimum mixing.
COMPATIBILITY WITH OTHER PRODUCTS: Use caution when adding adjuvants and fertilizers in combination with Signature XTRA. To avoid compatibility issues, it is recommended to homogenize all fungicide mixtures containing Signature XTRA Stressgard in the spray tank prior to adding adjuvants and fertilizer products. It is best to evaluate all tank-mixture combinations for compatibility using a jar test first.
For summer decline and anthracnose control / Tank-mix with Daconil Ultrex, the preferred partner.
For the prevention of root-infecting Pythium spp./ Tank-mix with Banol Fungicide for early season applications. North Carolina State University suggests that Banol and Signature XTRA Stressgard can be part of a rotational program to control Pythium root dysfunction of creeping bentgrass caused by Pythium volutum.
( summer decline management / Tank-mix with other Stressgard fungicides such as Interface Stressgard, Mirage Stressgard and Exteris Stressgard.
Best Practices
• Signature XTRA Stressgard tank-mixes are effective for:
- Anthracnose and summer decline management
- Improving turf quality under situations of high and low intensity light stress
• Signature XTRA Stressgard:
- Provides preventative control of Pythium blight and Pythium root rot